How does the service make sure that there are sufficient numbers of suitable staff to support people to stay safe and meet their needs?

Over the next few months, we will be exploring the CQC key lines of enquiry by each question and sharing resources we think you might find useful.

Suitable staff and staff cover

Is Your Service Safe - How does the service make sure that there are sufficient numbers of suitable staff to support people to stay safe and meet their needs?

Question Prompt
What arrangements are there, including within the rotas, for making sure that staff have the right mix of skills, competencies, qualifications, experience and knowledge, to meet people’s individual needs?
How is safety promoted in recruitment practices, arrangements to support staff, training arrangements, disciplinary procedures, and ongoing checks?
Do staff receive effective training in safety systems, processes, and practices?

Ratings characteristics

People are protected by a strong, empowering and distinctive approach to safety and a focus on openness, transparency and learning when things go wrong.

People are protected from avoidable harm and abuse. Legal requirements are met.

The service will always support people to keep themselves and their belongings safe and secure.

The service has an inconsistent approach that sometimes puts people’s safety, health or wellbeing at risk. There is an increased risk that people are harmed or there is limited assurance about safety. Regulations may or may not be met.

A service may have some areas of safe practice, but in general, people are not safe. Normally some regulations are not met.

Potential sources of evidence

People & their carers, friends and relatives:
• Experiences of number of staff on duty at different times.
• Whether there are enough staff to keep people safe.

CRM (Customer Relationship Manager)
• Share your experience forms.
• Notifications.
• Information of concern enquiries.

Feedback about whether / how:
• Staff are appropriately trained and experienced to keep people safe.
• There are adequate numbers of staff.
• Peoples’ needs are met in a timely way.

Feedback about:
• Their own recruitment and induction, DBS check.
• Safety-related training, support & guidance in practice.
• Competence of the staff group to keep people safe.
• Workload and capacity to meet people’s safety-related needs.
• Experiences of organisational expectations, culture and approach to safety.
• Whether / how safety-related practice impacts on people’s choice and control.
• Management response to unsafe practice, premises and equipment.

• Safe practice in day to day care.
• Timeliness and quality of interactions and care support.
• Staff presence/levels on site.

Records and policies
• Staff rotas.
• Staff recruitment and employment records.
• Staff training, induction and development planning documents and records.
• Where staff are working alone with people (including when colleagues are asleep during night shifts): specific suitability and periodic quality and safety check records.

Does your service need some support with making sure you have the policies, processes, and evidence to respond frequently to the CQC to achieve your desired rating?

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