Is It Effective: Staff skills and Knowledge

Over the next few months, we will be exploring the CQC key lines of enquiry by each question and sharing resources we think you might find useful.

LSW Care Solutions - Staff Training

Sources of evidence: what CQC inspectors look at against each KLOE

How does your service make sure that staff have the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver effective care and support?

By effective, the CQC mean that people’s care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, promotes a good quality of life and is based on the best available evidence.


E2.1 Do people have their assessed needs, preferences and choices met by staff with the right qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience?

E2.2 Are staff supported to keep their professional practice and knowledge updated in line with best practice?

E2.3 Do staff and any volunteers have effective and regular mentorship, support, induction, supervision, appraisal and training?

Potential sources of evidence

People & their carers, friends and relatives:

  • Staff skills and capability.
  • Whether/how people are matched with the staff who work with them.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

  • Share your experience forms. 
  • Information of concern enquiries.


Feedback about whether/how:

  • The service’s approach to recruitment, induction, training and development. 
  • Staff competence. 
  • How well the service supports its staff.

Staff & Volunteers

  • Experiences of induction, appraisal, training, support and development. 
  • Explore whether training is given to meet the specific needs of the people using the
  • Experiences of organisational culture and approach to training and support.


  • Skills, techniques and methods used.

Records and policies

  • Statement of Purpose: Services offered and needs met: match with staff knowledge, training, qualifications and skills. 
  • Person specifications for job roles. 
  • Staff records: Qualifications, training records, appraisals, registration requirements and details, portfolios, training & development plan. 
  • Complaints and compliments.

Ratings characteristics

People using the service, their families and other carers are supported to take part in the recruitment of staff and volunteers and have an influence on the outcome.

Staff training is developed and delivered around individual needs. People, their families and other carers are involved in planning and delivering this training.

Training is tailored to the individual needs and learning styles of staff.

There is a proactive support and appraisal system for staff, which recognises that continuing development of skills, competence and knowledge is integral to ensuring high-quality care and support. 

Staff and volunteers have the right competence, knowledge, qualifications, skills and experience to carry out their roles.

All staff complete a comprehensive induction, and do not work unsupervised until they and their manager are confident they can do so.

Supervision and appraisal are used to develop and motivate staff, review their practice or behaviours, and focus on professional development.

Staff have the time and resources to maintain professional registration.

The service understands that staff and volunteers need training and development, but this is not always up to date or in line with best practice. Training and development plans are not designed around learning needs and the care and support needs of people who use the service.

Staff supervision and support is not consistent and does not meet their needs.

The service does not have a consistent approach to supporting staff to maintain their professional skills or knowledge of best practice.

Staff are not adequately trained and many do not have the skills, knowledge and competence that is required.

Staff do not recognise poor practice.

Staff and volunteers are not supported or clear about their role.

Staff are not supported to maintain their professional skills or encouraged to keep up to date with best practice.

Does your service need some support with making sure you have the policies, processes, and evidence to respond to the CQC to achieve your desired rating?

Discover how we turnaround failing services, support executives, support managers, and implement our proven health and social care solutions.

LSW Care Solutions and our associates understand the challenges in Health and Social care, but, also know how incredibly rewarding it is to work in this industry every day and improve the lives of people we support. 

Our expert associates provide a wide range of solutions from ‘hands-on’ support to the executive level with the ability to work nationally. We work with you to understand your specific needs and design a tailor-made package of support to suit your requirements and budget.

LSW Care solutions have experienced trainers within Health and Social care that can provide training and support. We have a package of E-Learning courses that can be purchased online and run a variety of addition face to face training and workshop

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